Lino, my brother who lives in Vancouver, is proud to report his success with weight loss using apple cider vinegar ACV. Although I have to take his results of loosing 40 lbs in one months with a grain of salt, I know all the benefits and medical reviews about ACV. I am sufficiently stoked to start my own program and take ACV today.
I purchased 3 400ml bottle of ACV online for 289 pesos each. I'm going to report back after say 10 weeks.
I am taking 2 tablespoons of ACV with a glass of water. After the initial taste I knew I had to somehow flavor it to make it palatable. So I take my trusty tea bag or a squirt of honey then. I take my honey from a squirt container, like a condiment. Within 24 hours, I moved food three times and the color is green. Green poop means bile. In normal digestion bile is broken down and the color of poop is the normal brown. So I guess this is part of the re-balancing of the bacteria in the gut, or the digestive process kicked to a faster gear.