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Showing posts from February, 2019

Upgrade megasync 3.9-->>4.0

Time to review my settings specially the security for my account. I just realized I haven't turne two-factor authentication on. I used my google authenticator and saved my new megasync recovery key to a safe place.

Upgraded systemd 240-->>241

The main command to handle systemd is systemctl. If you want to familiarize yourself with systemctl the first stop should be the manpage.  $ man systemctl The systemctl command I'm most familiar with are $ systemctl --failed ##to check failed services. Then there are $ systemctl start service or $ systemctl stop service. You can also list all units installed with $ systemctl list-unit-files.

Upgraded Libreoffice 6.1-->>6.2

Libreoffice office suite is a favorite opensource office software for every productivity use. This edition of libreoffice offers a new user interface called the NotebookBar . It's a nod to the varieties of screen sizes and devices that uses libreoffice.