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Showing posts from September, 2022

Ubuntu's Firefox Issue

I don't use Ubuntu 22.04's Firefox snap version because it breaks keepassxc. It is time to fix it. Personally, I can't wait for Canonical so I just downloaded Mozilla's download version for Linux and installed it on my Desktop where I can just click on it. Keepassxc issue solved. I just check firefox updates now and then on the browser itself. No problem, no biggie.

Ubuntu 22.04.1 Update Plus

- Ubuntu completed its first point update. New versions of the firefox browser and of course thunderbird mail application. The much maligned firefox snap version from Ubuntu is still unusable as far as I am concerned. I have the mozilla version of firefox which means I downloaded and installed it my self. I am happy with it. Mina, Sofia, Victoria and Joshua spent a first vacation here in the Philippines. So happy to see them again. I have a small accident coming down the stairs. I didn't know about the water puddle downstairs and I slipped and sprained my ankle. I spent the next three weeks nursing my swollen left foot.