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29.04.2009 20:14:06

Three days after I downloaded and installed Ubuntu
Linux 9.04 Jaunty, I am now using a well oiled operating
system configured to my liking.

I also read most of the complaints and questions
in the ubuntu forums. I did not find anything resembling
a pandemic of bugs or installation woes. It is the usual
rant of confusing installations and "it's not working"
comments that the novice sends during a stampede to get
the latest Ubuntu version.

Steps I did for a smooth installation of Ubuntu

1. Backup. Save your data. You should know your
personal folders. These are documents, family pictures,
personal video clips and music. Get your email folders
and contacts folders. Move them to another partition or

2. Download. Get your new copy of Ubuntu and use
torrents. I got the desktop version via torrents. I
finished the download in 55 minutes during the afternoon
peak traffic time of the day. I still have the torrent
files in my client. I'm going to leave it there until
nobody needs it anymore.

3. Install. No need to check cd burn. Always make
sure to pick the slower burning speed (about 8x to 10x)
and the torrent client checks the downloaded files against
the hash on file.

4. Get Additional Software. Download the restricted
extras. This time I had to get Tracker because it's not
included in the default bundle. I also remember Miro.
Miro is getting to be an indispensable app for getting
tv, clips, and youtube into my computer without too much

5. Restore. Move my data folders back from backup
to the /home/user folder in the new Ubuntu version. Restore
evolution data and set former settings.

6. Configure the desktop environment. Download
compiz config manager to assist in customizing the look
and feel of the desktop. This involves tweaking, keyboard
shortcuts changes, theme changes, font changes and testing
all your applications. Just opening and closing windows.


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